Design discoveries await the curious mind

For The Rural Building Company Principal Designer Robert Kirkovski, his love of architecture stemmed from daily childhood adventures – strolling the streets of Mount Lawley on the way home from school.

“Instead of taking the same route, I’d mix it up, exploring different streets around the inner city and admiring the houses along the way,” he said.

“Even now, I still enjoy taking walks through different neighbourhoods, fascinated by the variety of architecture.

“It is a simple pleasure, which keeps me curious and interested in architecture both new and old.”

Following through with his passion, Mr Kirkovski went on to study at various architecture firms in Perth, specialising in luxury housing projects.

“After gaining valuable experience, I transitioned to working as an interior designer for a few years, exploring a different facet of the design world,” he said. “Over the course of the last two decades, my career has taken me across the vast expanse of Western Australia.

“From bustling urban centres to remote coastal towns, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a wide range of housing typologies.” Fast forward to the present day, Mr Kirkovski is kept busy as a principal designer – usually tackling diverse design challenges and problem-solving across numerous projects.

“I lead a team of designers covering the entirety of WA, ensuring we provide effective design solutions,” he said.

“I also play a key role in upholding the design integrity of various building brands, developing standard products and demonstration homes which embody their core values.”

Aerial view of Custom Home in Bullsbrook, Western Australia

With a focus on regional homes, Mr Kirkovski said designing rurally presented its challenges, given the variety of interpretations involved.

“An open-minded approach is essential but, ultimately, it’s about establishing a deep connection with the specific site and its immediate context,” he said. “This ensures a visceral link to the Australian landscape.

“Each site presents its own set of challenges, but for me, these challenges are opportunities to achieve even greater results.”

According to Mr Kirkovski, his favourite part of the job is creating home designs that are quintessentially Western Australian.

“Crafting this distinct identity brings me immense joy – it’s about more than just aesthetic, it’s about creating an experience resonating deeply with those who explore our homes,” he said.

When it comes to his top pick for home designs, Mr Kirkovski said it was always his future or current projects.

“I tend to be my own harshest critic, constantly striving to improve,” he said. “That’s why the new idea is always my favourite project, as there’s endless potential for innovation and growth.

“We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver housing solutions, which not only meet but exceed the lifestyle aspirations of individuals across WA’s diverse landscapes.”

Journalist: Madelin Hayes
Source: The West Australian New Homes liftout Saturday 1 June 2024, page 2

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